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Consonants in Lingojam

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SOLUTION: There are 25 consonants in the Lingojam alphabet; each has a single job which is to represent ONE SOUND.


There are no exceptions at all.

The spelling in Lingojam is 100% without doubt.


The characters are seen on the chart, on the right, and are those white text with a black background, on the right of the chart.



#  #lingojam character set.png

 1  On the chart, the first is bee, which is found in 'bat' and 'bold.'


SAME AS EVERYDAY ENGLISH, so those that do not change we will not cover, right?


Next is kee, which you know as the letter 'C.' The sound it makes is the c in cat. The character kee can be written as a 'C' or a 'K' as they are interchangeable. They both make the same sound.


Cream can be written as creem or as  kreem.


dee 'd'  -  fee 'f'  -  gee 'g'  -  hee 'h'  -  jay 'j'  -  lee 'l'  -  mee 'm'  -  nee 'n'  -  pee 'P'  -  kwee 'q' (;owercase) makes the sound of kw as heard in 'queen.'

ree 'r'  -  es 's'  -  tee 't'  -  vee 'v'  -  wee 'w'  -  ex 'x'  - yee 'y'  -  zee 'z' all the same as you already know.


chee 'C' is the sound found in church and chick and cherry.


shee 'S' is the sound found in sheep, ship and shave.


The then/den and thaw/taw have been covered in   ANNOYING PROBLEM 1  


zhay 'Z' is sound found in pleasure, measure and leisure.


When using a computer keyboard use all the lowercase letters to find those wthout change and the new characters by using the shift.

Keiko Claasen CI

© 2020 by THE LINGOJAM MOVEMENT (Canada) and by ANGLISH SOUNDS STRATEGY CONSULTANTS (UK). Anglish Sounds fonts were created by FontArk, Israel.


Launching Soon!  See latest update on HAAS UPDATE for date and details

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