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Adjectives & Nouns

Adjectives and Nouns           Qadjectiviz and QnMniz


Adjectives in English do not change whether accompanying plural or singular nouns

So adjectives in Lingojam, reflect their sound as spoken in everyday English.



Singular adjectives
huge horizon =
hyooj hErFzEn
flat spoon = flat spoon
one finger = wun fiNE


Plural adjectives

huge horizons = hyooj hErFzEniz

flat spoons = flat spooniz

four fingers = fO fiNEiz

red flowers.jpg

Adjectives generally appear immediately before the noun.

  • A pretty girl = pritee gUl

  • Red flowers = red flMEiz   (flME-iz)

  • A long stick = loI stik      (E loI stik)

  • Heavy boxes = hevee boxiz

  • Warm weather = wOm wedE

Adjectives of opposite meaning are formed - in everyday English- by adding a prefix such as un, in, or dis.


In Lingojam, it's easier and consistent.


klB - unklB

clear - unclear


​impOtEnt - unimpOtEnt

important - unimportant


corect - uncorect

correct - incorrect


expensiv - unexpensiv

expensive - inexpensive


AbEl - unAbEl

able - disable


similaa - unsimilaa

similar - dissimilar


dis iz unklB skF

dis iz klB skF


In everyday English, when using a string of adjectives, they have to appear in a set order: size/shape + age + color + origin + material.

  • A big brown house

  • A small old English desk

  • A beautiful black Italian leather purse

  • Delicious Chinese food


In Lingojam, when using a string of adjectives, they can appear in any order you wish. No-one can remember the order they're meant to be in, anyway.

  • A big brown house   -   big brMn hMs  /   brMn big hMs

  • A small old English desk   -   smJl old QiNliS desk  /   old QiNliS smJl desk

  • A lovely black Italian suede purse   -   luvlee QitaliEn swAd blak pUs 

  • Delicious Chinese food   -   diliSEs food QCFneez  /   QCFneez diliSEs food


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