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​An infinitive is a verb with 'to' in front of it:    to go,    to like,    to see.


Most often, an infinitive acts as a noun in the sentence.

Less frequently, it acts as an adjective or an adverb.



  1. Help me to save the trees!           help mee tE sAv (dE) treeiz    dE treeiz O dE tree-iz O treeiz O tree-iz

  2. To be mentally healthy, you must read books.           te bee mentElee heltee, yoo must reed buukiz 

  3. Do you want me to fill out this form?           doo yoo want mee tE fil Mt dis fOm? 

  4. Here is our to-do list.           hB iz ME tE-doo list 

  5. It was nice to meet you.           it wuz nFs tE meet yoo 

  6. It is time to move on.           it iz tFm tE moov on 

  7. I am young enough to change my habits.           F am yuI eenuf tE Canj mF habitiz 

  8. Don’t forget not to make grammar mistakes.           doo not fEget not to mAk gramE mistAkiz 

  9. You are required to leave all your belongings here.           yoo aa reekwFE-id tE leev aal yY bEloIiIiz hB 

  10. I came to see a doctor today.           F cumid (cum-id) tE see (E) doktE tEdA 

  11. You have to work harder to succeed.           yoo hav tE wOk mOhaad tE sEkseed 

  12. I need to take more classes to finish my graduate study.         F need tE tAk mO claasiz tE finiS mF grajuEt studee 

  13. I got closer to the speaker to listen clearly.           F getid mOclGs tE dE speekE tE lisEn cleeElee 

  14. Be sure to check if you have tickets.           bee SU tE Cek if yoo hav tikitiz 

  15. I am going to buy the new computer.           F am gonM tE bF nyoo cEmpyootE 



Generally, it is not common to split 'to' and the verb, except when you want to

emphasize (with an adverb) the verb's exact meaning.

  • I want you to immediately stop doing that.           F want yoo tE  imidiEtlee   stop donM dat 

  • You have to seriously work hard to succeed.           yoo hav tE  siEriEslee   wUk haad tE sEcseed 

  • You need to definitely explain your reasoning in detail.           yoo need tE  definEtlee   ixplWn yY reesEniI in deetWl 


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